Friday, January 31, 2014

A Blue Friday Lunch

Dave and I met for lunch today at The Met.  (Or what is formally known as The Metropolitan Market) While we waited for our sandwiches to be prepared, I couldn't help but notice all the blue and green.  It was EVERYWHERE! There were blue and green cupcakes, blue and green balloons, football shaped cookies with blue twelves on them.  And, of course, the store employees were all sporting Seahawks gear.  

I never dress for these days.  I don't even own a Seahawks shirt.  (Gasp! I know!)  There are some of us out there.  And it's not because I don't want to wish them well.  I'm just a bit indifferent.  If they win, I'm good.  If they lose, I'm still good.  So, I guess what that really means is I'm not a fan.  Dare I admit it though?  Especially today?  Of ALL days?!  The last Blue Friday of 2014!  Two days before the big game!!  Why not?  I'm not the superstitious type. 

As we ate our sandwiches,  and Dave showed me a video of his co-worker urging all of the truck drivers at the Port of Tacoma to honk their horns in unison to show their support for the Hawks, (see what I mean? EVERYWHERE!) I heard a frail voice say, "there's a chair."

When I turned around, I saw an elderly woman directing an old man, by the arm, to one of the empty chairs next to us.  I quickly stood up and offered to help him.  

"I don't want to take your seat from you," he said.

"That's okay.  How about if you sit here, next to us?"

"Right here," he questioned?  "With you?"

He seemed so small, so child-like.


"Thanks," he said.  "I can't stand a lot. I get tired and have to sit down."  Convinced, now, that he was welcome, he slowly ambled over, sat down, and began nibbling on a browned apple slice.  Toddler food, I thought.

Once he was settled, his wife gave him the same "wait here" look I used to give my daughters when they were small.  The one I am now using (though often unsuccessfully) on Hattie.  

Since our new table-mate seemed more interested in his apple than he did in conversation, I asked if he and his wife were picking up snacks for Sunday's big game.

"No.  I'm not a fan."

Just like that.  Simple. Direct. And completely without shame or embarrassment.  

"Well, you sure picked the right table," I joked.  Not that he found my comment funny in the least.  So, of course, I continued.

"It's kind of hard not to be, though.  Don't you think?"  

No response.  A sure sign to keep talking.  

"I even saw blue french bread at Safeway this morning.  Who wants to go to a football party and eat blue bread?  It was gross.  It looked like mold!"

He just kept nibbling.  

And then before I could come up with any more clever conversation starters, (say that three times fast) his wife was back to report that she'd found them a table for two.  

So he lumbered off his high-chair, popped the last of his apple slice into his mouth and said, "thanks for helping me out!"  Then he took hold of her hand and, again in toddler-like fashion, followed behind her and around the corner. 

Go Hawks! 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Oops!.... or (Why Multitasking Isn't Always a Good Thing)

This, my friends, is why you should not talk on the phone, put away groceries, and "bake" brownies all at the same time.

However, I have to admit that, despite finding the fudge pouch in the box AFTER removing the baked brownies from the oven, they still tasted pretty. darn. good.  

Who needs triple fudge when double fudge will do?


In yesterday's news, I reported that Anna Larson is a staff writer for "The Western Front."  I have since learned that this is incorrect.  She is a student reporter.  Not to be confused at. all.  with a staff writer.

Just keeping things legit around here. :)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A (90%) Perfect Match!

When I was writing my post, 2014--The Year of the Dog, I learned that Anna (1993) was born in the year of the rooster,

Chinese Zodiac Rooster

Nora (2004) was born in the year of the monkey,

Chinese Zodiac Monkey Symbol

and David and I (both born in 1967) came into the world in the year of the sheep.

Chinese Zodiac Symbol Sheep
(Maybe this explains my fondness for these cloven beauties.)

Digging a little deeper, I also found that we each possess qualities, or characteristics, that our animals are known for. For instance, Nora Jane is self-assured, sociable, innovative, and a talented problem solver.  She does not enjoy being controlled and can be very creative with her (school) work.

Anna, likewise, is bright, capable and warm-hearted. She is pretty, enjoys dressing up and has a quick mind and hot temper.  (Although, so does her mother---the sheep. Hmmm...)

David and I are both tender, polite, and kind-hearted. We are gentle, compassionate, and, together, have a fondness for quiet living. Finally, I, like other women born in this year, also really enjoy caring for others.  

These characteristics, or personality traits, however, are just a small part of who we are individually and as a couple.  And, like most couples, we also have our differences.  

I can be quite shy.  I am much better at listening than talking.  I am more introverted, and WAY beyond sensitive.  When I was young, my dad used to say that if someone looked at me wrong, I would cry. And, at times, he was right.   David, on the other hand, never has, nor will he ever, give a rat's ass (another one of my dad's lovely euphemisms) about what others think about him.  (Reason #5,149?)

David is also a builder--of any and all things he sets his mind to: bikes, walls, fences, tables.  His masterpieces are forged from stone, metal, or wood with nothing but his own two hands and a garage full of tools.  For David has a difficult time sitting still.  His mind and body are always in motion. Multitasking is how he gets through the days.  Often I will find him "reading," while watching television... Or vice verse.  

I, in contrast, am a builder of tales, a weaver of words, who relies not on her hands, but her imagination.  My tools are some paper, a pen, and a wireless keyboard that is constantly in need of new batteries.  And, unlike Dave, I can sit for long periods of time with nothing to look at but my computer screen and messy desk.  And when it comes to reading, the quieter the spot, the better.   

Obviously, all couples have their differences, and the little differences I just mentioned are certainly nothing to end a relationship over.  Yet, stopping for a minute to think about them did make me wonder about compatibility.  

Dave and I have been happily married for twenty-two years. Thus, I know without. a. doubt. that we are compatible.  Still, I wondered...would I have been as compatible with someone born in the year of ox or the dog? According to the Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Test, the answer is NO! 

So, wanting proof that I married the right guy twenty-two years ago, (but mostly just unable to ignore the blinking tab on the computer screen) I decided to find out. I typed in our birth dates and our genders, hit the submit button, and hoped for the best!

It turns out, I had nothing to fear.  Our compatibility rating was 90% perfect!  

My results stated that we "are a perfect combination. Both of you will devote all your love to the family, (yep!) and will love the other wholeheartedly (yep!).  The male sheep works hard to guarantee a sound financial footing, (yep!) while the female sheep organizes the family life in reasonably good order." (Yep, again.  I especially liked the "reasonably" good order)


I know I didn't need this test to show me I made the right decision twenty-two years ago, but it was kind of fun to play along.  And besides, if you know Dave and I, you know there are no two sheep better suited for one another.


P.S.  If you'd like to check your compatibility with your special someone, head on over to  and find out! 

Good Luck!

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

One of the other writers in the family officially got published yesterday!

Anna Larson, staff writer for The Western Front, WWU's newspaper, is officially in print.  And her momma is PRROUD!  

If you'd like to know more about concussions, and student athletes, you can read the full article here  

Good job Belle!!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Guess Who?

Guess who has been riding in the car like a champ?  

This gal:

Her favorite way to travel

A rare moment when she actually sat in her own seat

Guess who has been riding through the Starbucks drive through without barking?  


I don't know who this is, but I found her on Instagram and thought she looked remarkably like Hattie. Although Hattie Mae has been doing pretty well too, despite not being offered her own puppucino.  (Who knew there was such a thing?)

And, finally, guess who has been getting into the garbage can A LOT lately?

Sorry I don't have a photo to prove it.  I'm usually too busy yelling at her,  or dragging her out of the trash, or chasing her around the house (while yelling at her) to try and remove whatever "treat" she has locked inside her jaws of steel.

So you'll have to take my word for it.  

Reason #5,147 Why I Love My Husband

I love Dave for so many reasons.  But today's reason is this:  he takes his daughter to The Sportsman Show!  Where they  she gets to play with hunting lab puppies, "fish" for trout, and even shoot an arrow or two or three.  

And surprisingly well I hear.  

Way to go Dad!
And way to go Katniss.  I mean Nora Jane!


P.S.  Reason #5,148:  He returns home from The Sportsman Show with a bag of fair scones!  Yum!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Moving On

Nora had money left on her Barnes and Noble Christmas Gift Card, so, since there was no school again today, (teacher in-service day) we went shopping.  

What she bought:

What I bought:  

Recently, (looking for inspiration in dealing with Hattie Mae) I read Jon Katz's newest book, "Second Chance Dog.  I've since discovered that he has many books to his credit.  And all about dogs!

Meanwhile, I have moved on to this:

And I am LOVING it!  

Happy Reading!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Pecking Order

We aren't the only ones who have had to adjust to life with Hattie.  Cooper, our poor seventeen-year-old cat, has had to adapt as well.  And, as you can see, he has not liked it one bit!

Why did you do this to me?

This little guy has been chased, barked at, stared down and had his food stolen away from him---while he ate!  And, yet, surprisingly he hasn't completely rolled over and submitted to the new lordling.  (Can you tell I've been reading Game of Thrones?) Admittedly, he has been spending a great deal of time under my bed lately, but when he does surface, he has continued to fight for his rightful place in The Pecking Order.  He does this by hissing and swatting at Hattie when she gets too close--or too annoying.  And I'm totally fine with long as he avoids her eyes.  They have cost me a lot of money.

While I don't expect these two house-mates to ever become friends, it appears they have recently come to an understanding.  

The fireplace is Switzerland.  It's neutral territory that they are both allowed to enjoy.  The same goes for the couch.  (When the fireplace gets too warm)  

"Scoot over!"
"No!  YOU scoot over!"

What Switzerland really looks like.  
And, at night, the same goes for my bed, which, thankfully, is a king size.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

On Remembering the Big Picture

Recently I read an article written by a dog trainer about the importance of not getting overwhelmed by every little bad thing your new dog does.  Instead, she stressed the importance of focusing on the big picture.  On looking back.  On seeing just how far you've come.  And, of course, the value of praise when your pup does something well.  And I've been trying to do this.  Really--I have!

Even after I walk into the kitchen to find the garbage can upturned and a fair amount of its contents "missing."  Even after I've been awakened at 2:19 a.m. to the sounds of a dog vomiting up the contents of said garbage can, or was it the bird seed that she keeps eating from the ground, or was it all of the poop she can't seem to stay away from?

And I keep trying because, despite these irritations, Hattie really has made progress.  She even rides fairly calmly in the car now.  So calmly, in-fact, that I can drive through a Starbucks  without her barking so loudly that the barista can't hear my order.  And although she does still bark at some strangers, this, too, is happening less.  (Unless it's dark outside)  So, although I know we still have a long way to go, when I remember how she behaved when she first came home with me, I feel like we have made some real progress. Foolishly, I even thought her progress was a direct result of my love and "training."  

Until today.

Today I realized her progress has been nothing but a bunch of little, tiny, baby steps.  And there is still A LOT of training to do.

As I rode up the trail today, Hattie bringing up the rear (she hadn't warmed up yet) we came up behind a little Asian woman.  After barking her quick "hello," like she sometimes does, and then continuing down the trail, Hattie decided to terrorize this poor woman.  And, despite my calls for her "to come," she stayed.  And she barked.  And she kept barking.  With her hackles up, she had literally trapped this poor woman in the middle of the trail.

I have NO idea what prompted this behavior.  As far as I could see, this lady was not dangerous.  And she was no bigger than Nora Jane.  She was simply out for a morning stroll.  Hattie, however, saw a woman wearing a surgical mask, a big backpack and very bulky clothing.  Nothing, in my opinion, that warranted such crazy behavior, but I try to remember that Hattie has a history, even if I don't know what it is.  

Finally, after hearing this woman yell, "why you bothering me!" I threw down my bike and ran back down the trail, leash flying behind me, apologizing profusely.  

Well, she didn't give a you-know-what about my apology and I can't say that I blame her.  And she just kept walking.  No faster, no slower than before.  After waiting a bit, to give her a chance to get down the trail, I grabbed my bike and we headed back down the hill.  To the car!  Because I was far too frazzled to continue.  Hattie, on the other hand, was prancing down the trail as if nothing happened, happily sniffing the dirt.  (Looking for poop, no doubt.)

Before we reached the car, however, there was another incident.  And this one did involve poop.  After seeing a woman approaching with one of those gentle, obedient, and friendly to everyone Golden Retrievers at her side, I swerved off the trail to cut through the soccer field.  The soccer field that was completely covered in duck and/or goose poop.  The soccer field that Hattie believed was her own personal buffet.  And she wasn't leaving until she'd had all she could eat.  

So, again, I turned my bike around, and leashed her.  And dragged her, nose barely rising off the ground, through the sea of green.  I didn't even try to swerve my bike around the poop.  There was too much.  It was everywhere!  And my tires now proved it! All the while, I tried to keep my dignity as we passed a man and his yippy little terrier.  The little terrier that I believed was mocking me.  Mocking Hattie for being such an idiot!

"Boy, that dog alone is a hand-full," he laughed.  "My dog just likes to chase the seagulls," he continued.  

"Ya, she's got some quirks," I smiled wishing he'd just shut up and let his damn dog off the leash so Hattie could eat him.  

Finally, we arrived back at the parking lot where I wanted nothing more than to throw my bike inside (and possibly my dog) and get the hell out of there.  But by then, I'd calmed down a bit.  Just enough to give it another go.  (What can I say, I'm a stubborn Norwegian)

And I'm glad we did.  For Hattie was fine.  She sniffed and smiled at all the humans and canines we met on that side of the lake, she mostly avoided my front wheel, and she didn't get her mouth on any feces of any kind! (I don't think.)  She did manage to flush a few hundred ducks off the pond and into the air, but I figured they deserved it for leaving such a mess on the soccer field.  

When we were both sufficiently tired, I loaded up the van, 

(there was absolutely no throwing of bikes or dogs)
drove through Starbucks to pick up a coffee, and drove home.  Hattie quietly rested her head in my lap the whole way.  

So, yes, I need to remember the big picture.  
I need to remember that life with Hattie is about patience.
There will be ups and downs.  
There will be barking.  
There may be spilled garbage and there may be more dog vomit.
But there will also be quiet drives and snuggles on the couch after a run, a ride, or just because it's the end of the day.

The End

Monday, January 13, 2014

Regarding Last Night's Episode of Downton Abbey...

Don't you wish you could travel back in time (to fiction-land) and personally hand Mr. Bates a gun--to do with what he sees fit?

And, as for poor Anna, although I understand her desire to protect her husband from his past, (and potential future actions,) I can say this is the perfect time to call upon all the convicted felons in your life.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Dave is in Bellingham for the day doing what he does best:  being a dad.  He's helping Anna "around the house."  He's fixing a lock, making her a new bed frame, checking to see "what's up" with her dryer and then taking her out to lunch.  When he's finished with all that, he's going to stop by Kulshan Brewing Co. and pick up a growler of Red Cap Red for me.  Keeping ME happy is ALSO what he does best!  

Isn't he the greatest! 

Doesn't this just look delicious!

Nora Jane has locked herself away in The Game Room, formerly known as Anna's room, (sorry Anna) in order to teach Meredith the ins and outs of FIFA.  

Since everyone is happily occupied, Hattie and I just sat on the couch so I could make some progress with this.  

It's a perfect, gray, rainy Sunday.

Friday, January 10, 2014

We Are A Lot Alike

Hattie and I are very much alike in that we don't require much to be happy.

We just need a good run or ride in the trails

Thursday Morning
Ft. Steilacoom Park

Friday Morning
Point Defiance Park

followed by a nice pillow to rest our head on.

Throw in a nice fire, a good book and a cup of coffee (for me, obviously:) and you've got two happy girls!

Happy Trails!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Visit with Dad

Hattie Mae Louise (her name is evolving) and I went to visit my Dad yesterday.  I took him some home made beef barley soup and chocolate chip cookies.  

I came home with five boxes of Keurig coffee pods, a new spritz cookie gun, a 2014 wall calendar (so we'd have matching ones) a bag of junk vintage kitchen gadgets, (one of which I can't even name) and a bag of gun and hunting magazines.  (okay those were for Dave)

My Haul

The Mystery Gadget: A chopper? A scraper? 
A deformed bottle opener?
Does it even belong in the kitchen?

Oh-and he fed me a salami and cheese sandwich for lunch!  

He always wins! :)

Thanks Dad!  Love you!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I've Been Lied To

Recently, Dave captured this picture of me playing Lady and the Tramp with Hattie Louise.  Can you guess which one is "the lady?"

When I viewed the picture, I was horrified and immediately cried out, "Anna is a liar!"

Dave looked at me completely confused and said "what are you talking about?"

"My hair!  Look at my hair!  It's all grey!"

Still confused, but no longer interested in continuing with this weird conversation, he returned to his part of our dinner preparation while I tried to explain.

"My hair," I repeated.  "Anna told me you can't see any grey in my hair."  

Still no comment.

"She lied."

Finally, he looked up.  "What are you so upset about?  The fact that she didn't tell you what you want to hear, or the fact that there is grey in your hair.  Because I'm pretty sure she wasn't really lying to you."  

Ugh...for a man of few words, he somehow always says it just right.  Darn it!

"Both! I guess...."

And, as if the crow's feet and creaky knees hadn't already proven this, I hate that, despite all my best efforts, I am, in fact, aging.  Darn it again!


And in case you were wondering, this picture should clearly identify who the REAL lady of the house is. :)



Tuesday, January 7, 2014

And What Else?

I realize I can't spend all of 2014 training my K-9, so when Hattie Mae and I are NOT learning how to get along and live together nicely I plan on diving into this series.

So far.. a good read

I hear it's even a TV show.  Just kidding, I'm not that socially unawares.....

This is a book I would never have purchased for myself before.  Before what?  Before my daughter became a Mine craft addict. But while I was waiting at the book store recently for Nora Jane to locate JUST the right Mine craft Manual (yep, she's that kid) I had nothing to do but peruse the nearby fantasy shelves.  Who knew there were so many! A whole new world of books!  Until this point in time, I've been more of a reader of mystery, crime dramas, and contemporary women's literature.

It's not that I haven't tried to read this kind of book before, but I just never fancied them.  I even tried reading The Hobbit (A CLASSIC for God's sake!) with Nora Jane, but the chapters were SO long, so boring, and so full of weird songs that, alas, I gave up and let her finish it on her own (no mother of the year award for me this year).  Although I may have gotten a few points for taking her to see the movie, and it's sequel "The Desolation of Smaug," which I also didn't enjoy.  Why do these movie-makers have to have such long, extended fight/battle scenes? And why do they have to be so bloody?  And why do these creatures have to be SO ugly?

But back to The Game of Thrones.  I have not seen any of the TV series, and I don't plan to.  Not yet.  For now, I  am totally enjoying the book.  I plan on reading ALL of it and even moving on in the series.  (As long as I can keep all of the characters straight.)

But reading and dog training aren't the only things I'll be doing this year.  I also plan to...

Run more trails.

Ride more miles. (last year I logged over 2k! which made me VERY Happy)

Teach Hattie Mae to AVOID my bike wheel while riding the trails.

Get myself and my husband BACK to Bend so we can do more of the above.

Write more words.

And stay off Netflix......It's a total time waster.  (Although this may be a tough one....with having to eventually watch Game of Thrones and all)

Monday, January 6, 2014

2014--The Year of the Dog

According to the Chinese Calendar, 2014 is The Year of the Horse.  Nora, my little lover of all things equine, was delighted when she learned this.  Not surprisingly, she even asked (AGAIN) if she could get a horse.  

"I wish you could honey," I replied.  And I really meant it.  (Even though I'm no horse lover.)  "But here at the 4902 we simply don't have the space for such a large animal."

 "Well how about those chickens then," she asked.  (Always the negotiator this kid) 

"That-- I'll work on," I promised her.

"Besides," I told her, "we are going to have our hands full with the Little Brown Dog." Also known as Hattie.  Also known as The Mad Hatter.  And most recently dubbed Crazy Louise as I have so frequently yelled "Geez Louise!" in her presence.  

Thus, because of Hattie, I have dubbed 2014 The Year of the Dog.  The year that we teach her she doesn't have to bark like a fiend when we travel somewhere by car.  The year that we teach her not to greet visitors so exuberantly that they want to turn tail and depart before they've even entered the house.  The year that we teach her that she doesn't, in fact, have to eat her own feces as we have plenty of very delicious AND nutritious dog food just waiting for her in the basement.  The year that we teach her that she doesn't have to protect, or guard, said food because it's just hers.  Hers and hers alone.  The year that we teach her that she doesn't have to hide and sleep in the other room, whilst her family clamors for her attention in another area of the house.  

As you can see, it's going to be a busy year.  

But time has a way of healing.  In just over two month Hattie's eye has healed.  She can now see clearly out of both eyes, no longer wears the Cone of Shame, and is completely off all her medications.  And we are delighted about this.  And with more time, (and patience, and love, and patience, and dog obedience lessons, and patience) hopefully, her other issues will resolve as well.    

So for all you horse lovers out there, rejoice.  Enjoy this year and all it's horsey offerings.  As for me, it's all about the dog.  

Happy New Year from Crazy Louise ---

Oh! and and Happy New Year from me! A girl born in The Year of the Sheep!