Thursday, October 17, 2013

No Need to Rush

I couldn't wait to start reading my new book, "One Woman Farm."  I had been eagerly awaiting its arrival.  So, the night it came, I couldn't wait for dinner to be over, for Nora Jane to go to bed, and for Dave to head down to his shop.  When that magical hour finally arrived, I sat down on the couch, a fresh cup of coffee at my side, (I had planned a long night of reading) and hit the

I started out the same way I do when perusing a new magazine, flipping through the pages, looking at  all of the illustrations before going back to the beginning and working my way through. The images I saw, though, weren't just any ordinary drawings.  Beautifully simple, and almost child-like, these were hand-crafted with care, to appeal to both young and old.   I know, after Nora peeked through, she declared, "I want to read it when you're done mom!"

When I actually started reading, though, I realized this was not a book to rush through like a child on Christmas morning, eager to open each and every present.  Despite one of the comments on the back cover, "I didn't want to put it down," this is a book to be savored.  To be enjoyed bit by bit. And it can, easily.  For, really, it's a compilation of love letters from the author to her farm.  With each of her letters romantically describing her connection to her land and her animals throughout the changing seasons, months, days.   

You can open to the entry from February 28th and learn that following her pig harvest she felt "lousy with pork" (which simply means she's filled to excess with pork, not lousy at cooking pork like I initially thought).  

Or you can flip to October 12th (my favorite so far) and be reminded that clans are not, necessarily, who we are born into, or even who we marry, but "people who wrap you in their support and concern..."  People, who if you are lucky to find them, will make you realize that you've found "home."  

Or you can turn to page 69 and read "My Life, My Love," wherein she states that she's been criticized for writing too romantically about her farm life, only to respond "that's because this IS a romance.  I am head over heels for this place."  Seems like a reasonable response to me.  

It doesn't matter where you start, where you pick up.  Each page is a separate little story, lovingly crafted together to create one big romantic year-in-the-life.  

So, sorry Nora, you're going to have to wait.  For I plan to take my time and enjoy every minute of it. 

Finally, the author of "One Woman Farm," does not know me or know that I am plugging her book, I just want to let people know that if you need a little romance in your life, this could be the book for you. 

Happy Reading--

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