Monday, September 16, 2013

Summer's Over, the Tomatoes are Ready, and I'm Getting Back to Business!

Today I am regretting my decision to take the entire summer off from blogging.   It's just been too long.  Sitting at the computer doesn't feel right.  I can't get the ideas out of my head and on to the page.  I just can't find my groove. 

Why is getting back into a routine so difficult?  Or is it just hard for me?  

What's that old expression:  use it or lose it?  Well, I think I may have lost all of mine:  (1) my rhythm, (2) my commitment, (3) my willingness to sit in front of the computer regardless of the weather.  Where did they all go?  I can blame this loss on a number of things: the sunny late-summer weather, the sunny late-summer weather that demanded I go outside and ride my bike, the sunny late-summer weather that kept me outside, on my bike, instead of inside cleaning the house, which could really use a good scrubbing, or at the computer where I should have been. And all of these would be true. But the only one that really counts, is Number Two.

Take today, for instance. My plan for the morning was simple:  take Nora Jane to school, then come home and start writing. Well, that didn't happen.  I took her to school at 8:45, it's now 10:16, and I am JUST sitting down at the computer.  Oh, I have been thinking about what I want to write.  As a matter-of-fact, the ideas have been flying fast and furious.  All through the dishes and the cleaning-out-of-the-fridge, the ideas flew.  Unfortunately, just thinking about writing doesn't put the words on the page.

So instead of writing, I went searching for my camera to take a few pictures for the blog.  Certainly that would prompt action.  But, this search took a little longer than planned because said camera wasn't where it should have been: in the desk drawer under the computer.  I found it, eventually. Right where I should have looked in the first place: in my underwear drawer.  Don't ask me why, but this drawer is where all my valuables, and anything I don't want to lose regardless of value, are stored.  Money, cameras, battery chargers, old jewelry, love notes from my family.  They're all here, tucked in safe among my socks and undies.  

Once the camera was located, though, I still wasn't ready to write, so I washed and folded a few loads of laundry, tried to figure out what we needed from the grocery store, what to have for dinner, and, which tomato sauce recipe I should use for this beautiful batch of tomatoes.  

Then I was ready.

And then Dave came home.  

But he's used to me sitting here, typing away.  So, as I write, he's sitting behind me enjoying his late-morning bacon and eggs and thinking, no doubt, about getting down to his shop so he can continue working on the new fork he's building for his new bike (that he's also building).

And Cooper is back in the window, right behind the computer.

And Dave is unhappy that Cooper is back in the window, right behind the computer, leaving cat hair all over the place.

Huh, maybe I am closer to finding my groove than I thought.

Keep on keeping on--

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