Friday, May 31, 2013

Why I Love Books

It seems that I'm not the only one in the family who gets a little carried away by books.  Nora, too, appears to have inherited this tendency.  

On a recent trip to the library, she picked this up. 

She, then, proceeded to read it cover to cover while we, very slowly, walked home.  Upon said arrival, she immediately began constructing her own country:  The Domain of Smiley Faces, "where shooting stars, soccer balls, and smiley faces make a better way of life!"

Now creating a whole country doesn't just happen in an afternoon.  It takes time, at least a week. So, since that day, about a week ago, she has declared herself President, of course, written a National Anthem, 

Hail the Domain of Smiley Faces, beautiful and true. 
We stand tall for you!
With some flowers here,
and some trees there.
Here a smiley face,
there a smiley face, 
everywhere a true smiley face (Old McDonald had a .... Oops, got off track)
Hail the Domain of Smiley Faces, beautiful and true.

created a Constitution, (here's an excerpt:)
"We believe the individual has certain rights such as, the right to live, freedom of religion, the right to have personal security, and the right to own animals."

and written a book of laws, of which she's up to twenty-two.  

The following are a few of my favorites:

#1Everyone must like smiley faces. (Seems reasonable)

#2 Everyone must like to smile.  (Again, reasonable)

#9 If someone is full, another person cannot force them to eat. 
(Hmm... sounds like dinner-time around here)

#13 Everyone must have some kind of decor (unless you can't afford it) 
This certainly brought a smile to my face.

#18 If you are in jail, do not break out.   
(Although, technically, no one should be in jail because law #5 states No Criminal Acts)

And, finally, 
#22 People need to be clean.
(this coming from the kid who runs and hides whenever I mention the words bath or shower.)

As President, she's also compiled a list of National Holidays: Smile Day, Read Day, International Spinathon Day, (which, in my opinion and experience, does NOT seem likely to generate a lot of smiling) I Scream LOUD Day, (what?) and, of course, National Independence Day.  Although I'm still not sure who DSF declared their independence from.  At any rate, there will be parades, flowers, dances, parties, and, obviously, no one will have to go to work or school that day.  

She's also created Citizen Passes, which must be carried by all citizens, at all times, (okay that sounds a little Big-Brother-ish) and she's drawn up a map, which is very difficult to read because it was written in light, neon-green sharpie.  Suffice it to say, there is an Anna Road, an NJ Ave, an Army Fort (for protection) and a Governor's House, which is where, I imagine, the President resides?

Now she's working hard to create jobs for her citizens, of which there are three.  So, naturally, she created a newspaper, The Smiley News Weekly Paper, which I am "to run" because "you like to write mom."  Although, she will fill-in from time to time, when her Presidential Duties don't interfere. Thus, she conducted the paper's first interview (of me) 

Such a striking resemblance!

wherein I reported that I was excited about my move to DSF and looking forward to my new life.  

I realized, at the time of the interview, this was probably her attempt to put off bed-time just a little longer, but I didn't have the heart to enforce that rule.  I mean how often does one get interviewed for the  National News?

So, yes, in this house we love books.  A LOT!  

And I wonder what Dave's job will be...

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