Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The First Visit

My last post was about Anna heading off to college.  I actually started writing it a couple of months ago.  However, with the craziness of summer and my denial about her actually leaving, it got shelfed.  In real time, she started college on August 22nd.  However, we took her to WSU on August 14th.  After helping her unload her stuff,  get her internet connected, and kiss her goodbye as she went in search of "A Tech Guy," we drove to the hotel where I cried myself to sleep.  Here is the update:

Last weekend Anna came home from school for the first time.  And in typical Anna fashion, there was much speculation about whether or not she would actually arrive.  Of course, there were factors to consider; would she get a ride?  Would they be able to depart WSU when they wanted? Where would she get dropped off/picked up?  So much to think about.

But, after texting me on several occasions, to tell me she was coming home, or wasn't coming home, on Thursday evening THERE SHE WAS!  Live, and in person, at the  U-Village Starbucks.

Her ride, aka her Great Grandma Sierra, who is all of 20 years old, (it's a sorority thing) kindly drove her west and took her back.  Thank you SO much Sierra!

And when Nora Jane and I found her in the midst of all the students and laptops and coffee drinkers, Anna stood up, smiled, and hugged me like I have never been hugged before.  And I have to say, that brief second in time will probably go down in my history as one of my best ever mother/daughter moments.  Then she hugged her sister, REALLY hugged her!

Oh it was good to see her!  She looked the same, yet different.  Older maybe?  It had only been six weeks since I left her on the other side of the state.  But ya, she's different.

She spent the weekend at home happy.  She saw her friends.  She ate meals with us.  She even helped cook one night!  Egads!  And then she helped with the dishes afterward!  Egads again!  I think I like college!   

She went to her sister's soccer game.  She PLAYED with her sister!  

Playing with little
My Weird Family :)

LOVE LOVE LOVE these girlies

She and I went to the movies.  And she told me about school and her sorority.  It was heaven!

On Sunday, when it was time to return her to Seattle to meet up with Sierra, she seemed hesitant, quiet.  Her bags were packed.  A few more pictures were removed from her wall to be transplanted in her dorm room.  She hugged her Dad goodbye, because he had to go to work, and got into the car.  As we pulled out of the driveway, she turned and looked at her Dad to wave one more time.  And that's when I realized it:  She does miss us!

Quickly, I switched from my driving glasses to my sunglasses, even though it was hardly sunny outside, to hide the tears which were beginning to well up in the corners of my eyes. 

We were both quiet for a while, Nora was already deep into her Ramona book.  And then a few miles down the road a song came on the radio which reminded her of her Sorority Recruitment Week and things were okay again.

As I helped her put her things into the back of Sierra's car, I realized that I, too, really had missed her.  I didn't want to and I certainly hadn't expected it.  I was still exhausted from high school, from being the parent of a teenager.  And yet there I was.  Fighting the tears once again, and grateful the sunglasses were still on.  (The sun had actually come out by this point)

I hugged her tight, kissed her cheek, thanked her Great Grandma for driving and asked her to PLEASE text me when she got back to school.  Then she got in the front seat, buckled up, waved goodbye, and was off!  It's funny.  Only a few months ago, I would have panicked at the mere thought of her hitting I-5 and driving to Seattle.  NOW, she is commuting back and forth across the state.  Somehow, it feels alright now.  Okay, she's only a passenger, but still!  My, how I've grown!  She's grown!  

Luckily, Nora and I were right next to a garden store complete with a chicken coop and a garden shed to amuse Nora while I sipped my coffee, wiped my eyes and tried to recompose myself.  After a bit, we got frozen yogurt and headed home.  By the time I was out of the city, I was fine.  I think.

Checking on Nora before I went to sleep last night, I passed Anna's bedroom.   Her door was closed, but she had left the light on.   It looked just like it had on so many other nights.  Nights when Anna was in her room on Facebook studying, or listening to music, or just trying to be anywhere other than where we were.

It made me happy and sad to see that light glow under her door.  I know she is exactly where she needs to be right now.  But I miss her not being here.

Who knew?

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