Thursday, November 8, 2012

Lady of Leisiure

Although I am a stay-at-home mom, it is rare for me to find myself with nothing to do.  There is always laundry, grocery shopping, and, of course, the never-ending sweeping of the dog hair.  Today, however, is NOT one of those days.  While there are certainly things I could be doing, should be doing, I will not be doing them.  Because, after I took Little to school today, I drove downtown to my chiropractor's office and got a massage.  And this massage was going to be just what I needed,  the long-awaited cure-all for all of my ailments of late.  I just knew that post-massage, my back would no longer ache, I would have full range of motion in my hamstring, and, of course, I would feel great, invigorated even! 

Well, the end has come and gone.  And all I have done since driving myself home is hop on my bike and roll (downhill so I didn't even have to pedal much) to the met market with Dave for a cup of soup.  Presently, I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open.  Hopefully, I'm spelling correctly.  

Prior to today, I have only had a couple of massages.  (Let's just say I have big space) And they were nice; relaxing.  So I didn't expect today's experience to be much different, especially when I saw the massage therapist.  She was a TINY Asian woman.  I could have picked her up with one hand.  (I like to think I'm stronger than I really am)  Tiny though she was, that woman knew what she was doing.  I felt muscles I have never felt before.  And as for the  sore and achy muscles I brought with me to her table; well, she wasn't easy on them either.  So when she asked, about half-way through, "Do you bruise easily?"  WHAT?  I got a little nervous.  Yet, I found it hard to answer;  her technique, while painfully good, still seemed mysteriously calming.

When she informed me," that's all for today, Sonja," I  rolled off the table, got myself dressed, and met her in the reception area where she instructed me to eat a good lunch, drink ten (TEN!) glasses of water, and ice my neck and back.  At this point, I was not feeling renewed.   

So, today, as of 1:06 p.m., I decided I would become one of those women:  those Ladies of Leisure.  Those ladies who do not go to work, yet do no work at home.  Because I can't.  I'm too tired.  I'm too sore.  Instead, I'm going to take some Advil, drink some (MORE) water, watch the very first episode of Downton Abbey and maybe even take a nap.  Two things  I NEVER do during the day!  And, yes, I am feeling a little guilty about it all.  I mean who needs to recover from a massage?



1 comment:

  1. Did you just love Downton Abbey? How can you just watch one episode?!!
